Advanced Mediation and Dialogue in Georgia


This advanced 3-day training on Mediation & Dialogue in International Civil Crisis Management Missions was carried out in Tbilisi and attracted 15 participants. Almost all of them have followed the first training on Mediation, Dialogue and Conflict Analysis in September ‘22 or February ’23. The participants were taught how to use their skills in real-world scenarios that the EUMM may encounter. They engaged in various practical exercises, using different tools and concepts (e.g., dividers & connectors tool, entry points for mediation, the trust repair cycle, and more).

Find the Course Agenda for the Mediation and Dialogue training HERE.

Read the Course Concept HERE.

EUCTI Training Announcement: Advanced Course on Mediation and Dialogue

Building Peaceful Pathways: Empowering Mediators in Georgia

Mediation, Dialogue and Conflict Analysis in Georgia

TRAINING SPOTLIGHT: Negotiation and Mediation Skills in International Crisis Management Missions