
The first training activity in 2024 will be a 3rd country activity*, a Training of Trainers in Namibia. Centre for European Perspective’s organising team will travel to Windhoek, Namibia, between 8 and 12 January 2024 to deliver a basic ToT primarily for the members of the Namibian International Women’s Peace Centre (NIWPC).

Up to 20 participants from NIWPC and representatives of affiliated police and civilian structures in Namibia will begin with the basics and learn their way to the top during this five-day intensive course. Even though the course will accommodate both beginners and seasoned training experts, it will provide a platform for all to hone their practical skills, share experiences and build existing knowledge. It will do so by empowering the participants to facilitate further ToT courses. Additionally, it will strengthen their capabilities to convey subject matter knowledge, skills and attitudes to their audience.

Training Modules

This ToT course will be comprised of 8 carefully designed training modules: Module 1 – Being a Trainer, Module 2 – Teaching and Learning Theories, Module 3 – Techniques for Effective Training Sessions, Module 4 – Managing the Training Environment and Enhancing Communication, Module 5 – Planning and Preparation of Training Sessions, Module 6 – Delivery of Training Sessions, Module 7 – Assessing Learning and Evaluating Training Events, and Module 8 – Mission Environment Training Specifics. Module 8 represents an additional module, combining a holistic examination of the first seven modules with mission-specific observations and practices. This augmentation ensures a thorough understanding of the subject matter, the primary aim of this ToT.

We wish the training organisers – CEP’s Peace Operations Training Centre (POTC) – a pleasant flight and successful preparations! And to all training participants, we wish them a lot of training spirit and motivation to learn new skills and expand their network.

* At the beginning of the EUCTI project, its partners set a goal for themselves: to build the capacity of training organisations in third countries – in particular non-EU CSDP contributing countries, Western Balkans, Eastern Partnership and member states of the African Union. The purpose of this activity is to better plan the training efforts for training their personnel to participate in international missions. In this way, EUCTI can contribute to a global exchange of best practices and lessons learned, thus supporting the international community of practitioners.