EUCTI Final Conference


In three-and-a-half years since its inception in 2021, the European Union Civilian Training Initiative (EUCTI) has established itself as one of the most flexible and successful peace and security initiatives within the EU CSDP training architecture. With a successful implementation of more than 40 demand-driven and need-based training courses, EUCTI has contributed to enhanced capabilities and skills of more than 550 EU CSDP mission members, as well as of those coming from other international organisations, the NGO sector and training organisations. During these years, the project proved beneficial to its main beneficiaries, EU CSDP mission members, their mandates, and the relevant EU policies and needs.

As the project nears its end, we invite you to join us and discuss its achievements, lessons learned and the necessity of continuing to contribute to global peace and security by connecting policy and practice through a flexible, adjustable, need-based and demand-driven (training) process.

You can still register HERE.

10.00 – 10.30  Gathering

10.30-10.40  Keynote address – EUCTI Secretariat

10.40 – 12.00  Panel Discussion – Connecting policy with practice: EU-funded training projects within the EU training architecture

  • Ms. Nina Čepon, EUCTI Secretariat
  • Mrs. Mihaela Matei, Head of Coordination and Horizontal Affairs Division, CPCC.1
  • Ms. Anna-Karin Haggeborg, Head of Sector, Partnerships and Crisis Management; Integrated Approach for Peace and Security; Evaluation and Knowledge Management
  • EU CSDP mission representative (TBC)

12.00 – 13.00  Lunch

13.00 – 14.00  Steering Committee meeting

14.00 – 14.30 Coffee break

14.30 – 17.00  Partner meeting