EUCTI Training Activities So Far… in Picture and Sound




In 2021 the EUCTI Consortium successfully implemented five training courses, attended by 92 participants from all over the world. They represented staff members of five EU Common Security and Defence Policy (EU CSDP) missions, but also of other international organisations working in the field of civilian crisis management. Training courses in the field of digital communication, intercultural communication, security sector reform and training of trainers included lectures delivered by 36 experts. You can check out the 2021 video here.

First half of 2022

In the first half of 2022 EUCTI project partners implemented five additional training courses, again attended by 92 participants. Therefore, the number of participants that attended EUCTI training activities during the past two years rose to 184. Jointly they came from 33 countries and attended 10 training courses in six different countries. Even though the majority of the courses was still implemented in an online format, the improved Covid-19 situation in many countries allowed the implementing partners to conduct two residential training courses and one in a hybrid format over the course of one month.

EUCTI offered the activities from the Training Catalogue to personnel from six different EU CSDP missions (EUMM Georgia, EUAM Ukraine, EUCAP Somalia, EUCAP Sahel Mali, EUCAP Sahel Niger, EULEX Kosovo) and from other international organisations in the field of civilian crisis management (the UN, OSCE, NATO, African Union, and various EU delegations – to Kosovo, Somalia, and Georgia). Training activities were interesting also to some NGO representatives. They had the opportunity to listen to 47 different experts and engage with them through lectures, case studies, simulations, practical workshops and more.

Among the training topics covered were mediation and negotiation, intercultural communication, digital communications, training of trainers, security sector reform, conflict analysis and conflict sensitivity, protection of civilians, climate change, human rights and gender perspectives, cultural biases, and country-specific security context.

Check out the video below for the 2021 and first half of 2022 training highlights in picture and sound!