This summer was for the EUCTI Consortium like the summer day before the storm. A lot of quiet planning and preparations, checking the status reports – and weather reports as well – and reflecting on everything we had done in the past year and a half. All this to prepare for the busy autumn and winter ahead of us.
This September, EUCTI is back with not one, but THREE courses. But let’s start in a chronological order. The first training in September is organized by our Finnish partner, CMC Finland, between 5 and 7 September in Mogadishu, Somalia. And to make this occasion even more special, this will be the first training organized by them in the scope of the EUCTI. Advisory support to tackling organized crime is indeed their specialty, as the main trainer of this course wrote a handbook on this very topic.
Course Content
This training aspires to advise and answer two major challenges all civilian crisis management missions and peacekeeping operations face: the scope of advising and tackling organised crime. The latter is a major threat to domestic and global economies, security, and stability. The connections between transnational organised crime and state fragility, armed conflict and terrorism have become obvious over recent decades. International co-operation to counter these threats is therefore vital, especially in post-conflict countries and where authorities still lack resilience to tackle these challenges.
Course Targets
The course is targeting monitors, trainers, advisors and mentors in the field of organised crime working for international missions and operations in Somalia. It aims to enhance EU Capacity Building Mission in Somalia (EUCAP Somalia) and other international organisations’ capacities in Somalia in assisting local authorities in countering organised crime.
By the end of the training, the participants will better understand the current policy debates regarding international support to tackling organised crime (EU, UN, OSCE), be familiar with the relevant international policy framework (e.g., UNTOC), have overview of the tools of strategic advisory work and have enhanced capability of self-reflection in adviser role in international setting.