Training team from The Clingendael Institute, our Dutch partner, will between 12 and 16 September 2022 travel to Tbilisi, Georgia. There they will conduct the first edition of the five-day training on Mediation, Dialogue and Conflict Analysis in International Civilian Crisis Management Missions.
Training Audience
The training audience will consist of mid-to-senior level practitioners, deployed within Georgia, working in crisis management/peace support missions who implement conflict-sensitive projects and activities. It is targeting staff of EU Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM Georgia) and personnel working in other international organizations active in the field (UN, OSCE). Political advisors, staff working on the hotline, and those working on confidence building projects will learn through a series of interactive exercises, role plays, relevant case studies and discussions, applied specifically to the Georgian environment.
The elements and skills of these topics are relevant to every level of international crisis management. From the political and strategic level up to that of the on-the-ground activities of mission members; from the mandate of a crisis management mission to the physical posture of individual mission staff.
Aim of the training
The aim of this training is to enhance participants’ capacity to negotiate and mediate effectively in a variety of circumstances they may encounter whilst doing their work. By the end of the training, they will be able to analyze a conflict’s root causes, actors and dynamics systematically through conflict analysis tools.
Additionally, they will ameliorate their ability to:
- explain the key elements of effective negotiation and mediation processes
- analyse conflict and the contexts in which they work
- choose the right tools and techniques that are applicable, available, and suitable to the situation
- test their own strong and weak competences in applying the above and recognizes the competences of others

This training was developed as a part of the EUCTI consortium in close collaboration with the European Union Monitoring Mission Georgia (EUMM). It is co-funded by the EU.