After a series of residential training courses that the EUCTI Consortium conducted in the past few months it is time for another online course. Following the request from the EU Advisory Mission in Ukraine’s (EUAM Ukraine) Press & Public Information Division, the Clingendael Institute will implement an online Strategic & Crisis Communication training in three parts: on 19 and 26 October and on 2 November.
Crisis communication thematic umbrellas
Each part will consist of multiple sessions, corresponding to separate thematic umbrellas:
- The Rhetorical Arena, which delves into the relationship between crisis management and communication
- Dis- and Misinformation, where participants will get the opportunity to familiarize themselves with new terms and concepts related to the topic, explore various trends and developments in the use of disinformation as a strategic instrument by state and non-state actors, and to consider the various possible policy responses to it.
- Crisis Communication Planning and Tools, where participants will discuss and practice different tools for communication during crises and learn how to set up a crisis communication plan.
Why crisis communication?
Many ongoing crises, from the Covid pandemic, to the war in Ukraine have been accompanied by the proliferation of (mis- and dis-)information. Domestic and foreign audiences are following various media outlets to understand the increasing complexity and instability in the world. The abundance of all kinds of data and competing interests even further facilitate the spread of “fake news”. The international organizations such as the EU need to find ways to maintain narrative control, counter the misuse of information and communicate their efforts to the public. That is why content of the training is very much focused on finding ways to successfully identify and counter the spread of mis- and disinformation in the so-called rhetorical arena.
Training audience
The training audience will consist of the Staff of the EUAM Ukraine, including its Press and Public Information Division, as well as other Press and Public Information experts working for international organizations active in the field of civilian crisis management in the region (e. g. the UN, OSCE). During this three-day online training up to 20 of them will engage in interactive lectures, conduct individual and group assignments, work on case studies and participate in short crisis simulations. The training will also offer a platform for experience and knowledge exchange.
At the end of the course the participants will be able to define the key elements that define a crisis and crisis management, familiarize themselves with various crisis communication tools and formulate a crisis communication plan to successfully communicate with different stakeholders. Furthermore, they will be able to not only identify mis- and disinformation but plan various policy responses to them. Finally, they will be able to practice extensively their teamwork and communication skills under pressure.
Connected topics
Interested to learn more about strategic and digital communication? You can
- Read the Digital Communications in Civilian Crisis Management Training Spotlight
- Check out our NEWS Category to see what we have been up to in the field