EUCTI’s First In-Person Partner Meeting


On 10 March the EUCTI Secretariat, located at CEP premises at Jable Castle, hosted the first almost entirely in-person partner meeting since the project’s kick-off in March 2021. After a year of online meetings, EUCTI project partners were finally able to meet in person which initiated fruitful debates and sparked many new ideas for the future of the project.

EUCTI Secretariat was joined by our partner representatives from ASPR, CEP, the Clingendael Institute, CMC and ZIF. Furthermore, the meeting was attended by a EUCTI steering group member, representative of European External Action Service, Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI.2). Additionally, our partners from Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and Egmont Institute participated in the meeting online. Representatives of FBA were unfortunately unable to join but have nonetheless valuably contributed to the content of the discussion beforehand.

The meeting was opened by Markko Kallonen, Head of EUCTI Secretariat, and Nina Čepon, Head of Peace & Security Programme at CEP. Full meeting agenda included the project update, update on the working groups, overview of the 2022 training activities and discussions on possible ways to broaden the scope of our activities. In 2022 we will continue implementing training courses, continue gathering ideas on possible capacity building activities for third countries, further develop the new technology-enabled learning approach and continue with our visibility and communication planning.

We welcome the initiative to continue with in-person partner meetings as the in-person aspect contributes greatly to the quality of the discussions and, consequently, to the quality of the project.

At the same time, we are already looking forward to our next meeting!

Currently there are 11 civilian and 7 military missions operating under the EU flag.

The European Union Civilian Training Initiative (EUCTI) is a three-year-long EU-co-funded project that commenced its activities in January 2021. Its main objective is to contribute to the enhanced position of the EU as a peace actor. Ultimately, EUCTI aims to improve the life of people living in conflict-affected societies by  developing and delivering need-based training to professionals working in international organisations active in the field of civilian crisis management. Within the scope of the project, up to 27 training activities will be designed specifically for the mission personnel. The offered training, which is developed in coordination with the stakeholders,  will be carried out free of charge in a flexible manner – either in residential, online or hybrid format. Several other project activities are foreseen, mainly related to the development of new technology-enabled learning approach to the training, activities of two working groups on evaluation and standardization, as well as support for 3rd country training institutions. EUCTI consortium draws on the legacy of ENTRi project. The EUCTI consortium consists of eight renowned partners holding solid experience in developing and delivering civilian crisis management training.