EUCTI’s Training Catalogue
The purpose of the EUCTI Training Catalogue is to provide an overview of the courses the European Civilian Training Initiative (EUCTI) can offer to diverse international organisations working in the field of civilian crisis management (CCM). The Catalogue aims at sharing a user-friendly glimpse into various available courses, their learning objectives, and the length of respective training. This Catalogue is a living document. It will be reviewed and enriched as new training courses will be developed—or the already existing ones will be revised—to better meet the identified or emerging needs of various international stakeholders.
EUCTI offers the possibility to deliver courses in different formats, let it be residential, online or hybrid. Non-depending on the selected methodology, implementing partners always ensure that all learning objectives are reached. The methodology the EUCTI follows is based on the solid and tested expertise and experience of the consortium partners over the years and thousands of trained crisis management experts that have undergone our courses.
Methodology of all presented courses in this catalogue is participatory, learner-centred, based on the concept of adult learning. It includes self-paced learning, pre-reading, lectures, group work, role plays, interactive exercises, small-group discussions, debates, case studies, brainstorming sessions, as well as scenarios, all built around mission realities. A mixture of these methods encourages the creation of new knowledge and the development of new skills by connecting prior experience with the training of new competencies. Drawing upon the participants’ experiences and expertise, the interactive training methods seek to foster peer exchange and peer learning.
EUCTI new technology-enabled learning approach, with a strong focus on digital learning and tools, presents new opportunities on how to deliver courses and training activities that are both more integrated and flexible than ever before. Such approach intends to be an innovative take on blended learning. It aims to create a course or training activity where content, activities, format, time, technology and place are adapted to the individuals’ or groups’ needs and prerequisites with the aim to, based on the learning objectives, reach behavioural and institutional change. EUCTI will, as part of this approach, explore how to integrate relevant digitalized tools into the EUCTI pedagogical approach as a key step in designing and modernizing the overall course design.
Overall Objectives: The overall objective of the Mentoring in Civilian Crisis Management course is to enhance the skills and knowledge of experts working as mentors in peace operations. The competencies include (intercultural) communication skills and trust building, knowledge on guiding principles of mentoring, such as local ownership as well as the ability to identify and cope with resistance. Experts in different areas know how to effectively perform their functions in their home countries’ working environment. However, when taking on the roles of mentors in a capacity building mission in conflict environments, they will no longer be professionals practicing their craft, but peers who support local counterparts to do theirs. Therefore, this course also aims to shape the attitude/mind-set towards the mentoring task in the context of peace operations.
Main Subject Modules:
Module 1 – Understanding Mentoring
Session 1: Clarifying the concept of mentoring
Session 2: Mentoring in peace operations
Session 3: Mentoring from the mission perspective
Session 4: Being a mentor in peace operations and building trust with the mentee
Module 2 – Principles and Processes of Building Capacity Through Mentoring
Session 1: Phases of mentoring
Session 2: Local ownership in mentoring
Session 3: Communication skills and intercultural competence
Session 4: Basic negotiation skills
Session 5: Working with language assistants and interpreters
Session 6: Coping with resistance and motivation
Module 3 – Integrating Mentoring into the Mission Structure
Session 1: Reporting and handover
Session 2: Bringing it all together
Target audience: This training is designed for civilian, police and military experts, who are expected to serve and/or work in civilian crisis management operations with mentoring and advising tasks. Predominately, this concerns the areas of rule of law, justice reform, democratisation, corrections, policing and security sector reform, although it is not limited to these areas. It is desired to have all three sectors represented at the training, either as participants or as speakers/trainers.
Duration: 4 days
Overall Objectives: The overall objective of the Child protection, Monitoring & Rehabilitation training is to improve knowledge and technical skills amongst the participating experts and to lead to exchange of promising practices and lessons learnt. The training should provide experts with specialised information and practical tools in order to understand the situation of children affected by armed conflict and the concepts of childhood, role models of children in different societies and perceptions of children as individuals as well as social groups. Participating experts will learn about international child and human rights law, humanitarian law as well as refugee law standards and application of child rights assessment and monitoring. Moreover, experts will be familiarised with strategies for prevention of child rights violations and strategies to reduce the impact of armed conflict on children, emphasising the relevance of child rights-based and child-participatory approaches as well as the direct involvement of children in rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts. Thus, applying a human rights-based approach and a gender-sensitive perspective, along with the principle of the best interest of the child, are the conceptual cornerstones and cross-cutting principles the training will be based on.
Main Subject Modules:
Module 1 – Impact of Armed Conflict on Children
Subject 1: Introduction to Basic Concepts of Childhood
Module 2 – Impact of Armed Conflict on Children
Subject 1: Protection Issues related to Direct Violence
Subject 2: Protection Issues related to Structural Violence
Subject 3: Different Impact of Armed Conflict on Boys and Girls
Module 3 – Fieldwork Techniques
Subject 1: Organisational Culture which values Child Protection and expected Behaviour of Personnel with Regard to Children (Code of Conduct)
Module 4 – Legal Framework and International Standards
Subject 1: Introduction to International Standards on Human Rights of Children
Subject 2: Introduction to International Humanitarian and Refugee Law Standards
Module 5 – Monitoring
Subject 1: Child-Focused Situation Analysis / Investigation
Subject 2: Child-Focused Monitoring and Reporting
Module 6 – Protection
Subject 1: Protection from Abuse and Exploitation
Subject 2: Protection from Separation, Trafficking and Recruitment
Subject 3: Facilitation of Humanitarian Assistance to Children
Subject 4: Strengthening the Justice Mechanisms, in particular the Juvenile Justice System
Module 7 – Rehabilitation
Subject 1: Psychosocial Support in the Context of Reconciliation Efforts in Peace Processes
Subject 2: Reintegration of Child Refugees/IDPs & DDR of children associated with armed forces and armed groups (CAAFAG)
Subject 3: Education and Vocational Training
Subject 4: Education in Emergencies
Subject 5: Rehabilitation of Child Soldiers
Module 8 – International Context
Subject 1: Child Rights Advocacy & Public Information – Awareness Raising
Subject 2: Working with other Child Protection Actors
Subject 3: Operational Context: Types and Approaches of Field Mission and Mandates aiming at Child Protection, Monitoring and Rehabilitation
Subject 4: International Approaches to Child Protection, Monitoring and Rehabilitation
Target audience: This training is designed for a diverse group of professionals deployed to international crisis management type missions in third countries, with a particular focus on child protection officers, DDR officers, human rights officers, personnel dealing with human trafficking and humanitarian officers.
Duration: 9 days
Overall Objectives: The overall objective of the course on Conflict analysis & Conflict Sensitivity is to enable participating experts to utilise their skills, competencies and experience and conduct conflict analysis as well as devise conflict sensitive approaches to civilian crisis management. The course strives to provide civilian experts with understanding on the relevance of concepts such as peace, conflict and violence in the context of civilian crisis management as well as relationships between conflict analysis and conflict sensitivity. In this regard, the participants will be capable to identify the benefits and limitations of a conflict sensitive approach.
Main Subject Modules:
Module 1 – General Concepts and Approaches to Conflict
Subject 1: Conflict: understanding conflict, conflict types (latent, surface, open)
Subject 2: Violence: understanding violence (violence triangle: behaviour, attitudes and structures)
Subject 3: Peace: understanding peace (peace-making, peacekeeping, peacebuilding)
Subject 4: Conflict and change – understanding theories of change
Subject 5: Conflict settlement, conflict prevention, conflict management, conflict resolution and conflict transformation
Subject 6: Development, Humanitarian Aid, Peacebuilding
Subject 7: Conflict sensitivity – introduction
Module 2 – Conflict Analysis
Subject 1: Role of conflict analysis in conflict sensitive approaches;
Subject 2: Conflict analysis tools – understanding dynamics, actors, relationships, issues, causes and effects
Subject 3: Applying conflict analysis tools: conflict stages; conflict mapping; conflict tree
Subject 4: Summarising findings and learning from conflict analysis
Module 3 – Conflict Sensitivity in Practice
Subject 1: Conflict sensitivity issues: mandate, roles, insiders, outsiders
Subject 2: Conflict sensitive programming – conflict sensitive planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation; Using CS framework
Subject 3: Conflict sensitive impact assessment; Force Field Analysis
Subject 4: Organisational assessment – radar chart
Target audience: This training is designed for mid-level and senior civilian experts who are in pre-deployment or are assigned to a mission, holding advisory, analysis and policy implementation positions as well as programme staff. It is recommended that the participants hold relevant desk or field experience, or are in the process of obtaining such experience by engaging in conflict contexts.
Duration: 4 days
Overall Objectives: The overall design of the Specialisation Course for Gender Advisers aims to enhance the effectiveness of experts in promoting gender mainstreaming. Accordingly, the course aims to provide participants with knowledge, practical tools and skills that will enhance their ability to support gender mainstreaming in international missions. The three overarching learning objectives are active support gender mainstreaming, designing effective strategies for gender advising and identifying effective strategies on resistance management.
Main Subject Modules:
Module 1 – The gender adviser function
Subject 1: Working as a gender adviser
Module 2 – Gender mainstreaming
Subject 1: The policy framework of gender mainstreaming
Subject 2: Gender analysis and gender mainstreaming
Subject 3: Reporting
Subject 4: Working with Gender Focal Point networks
Module 3 – Key skills for gender advising
Subject 1: Gender advising
Subject 2: Handling resistance
Subject 3: Advocacy
Subject 4: Building strategic partnerships
Subject 5: Gender training
Module 4 – Practical exercise
Subject 1: Final exercise
Target audience: This training is designed for individuals working in gender advising in any form.
Duration: 6 days
Overall Objectives: The overall objective of the Good Governance and Civilian Administration course is to provide the participants with a general theoretic framework and practical tools that will allow them to contribute to the establishment of good governance and a strong civil society in the field. The course also contributes to the development of a common and shared culture among future mission members who have different cultural, professional and organisational backgrounds.
Main Subject Modules:
Module 1 – Introduction to core concepts and background
Subject 1: Conceptual framework: good governance, civilian administration, rule of law
Subject 2: The role of the EU in crisis management
Module 2 – The dynamics of state formation
Subject 1: Democracy building in traumatised societies
Subject 2: Political authority, legitimacy and citizenship
Subject 3: Electoral processing and organisation
Module 3 – Strengthening civil societies and establishing good governance
Subject 1: Peace-building, capacity-building and reconstruction
Subject 2: Capacity building and enhancing impact
Subject 3: Supporting Good Governance
Module 4 – Establishing a civil administration
Subject 1: Re-establishing civil administration in post-conflict situations
Subject 2: Establishing democratic control of armed forces and crisis management
Target audience: This training is designed for a heterogeneous group of civilian experts with professional experience required for deployments to international civilian crisis management type missions in third countries, with a particular focus on experts selected or pre-selected for deployment, or field mission personnel.
Duration: 4 days
Overall Objectives: The overall objective of the course titled International Standards for the Protection of Individuals & Groups is to provide human rights field officers with the specific competences and skills they will need to fulfil their tasks as members of a human rights field operation. The curriculum will include the theoretical as well as the practical aspects of an officer’s tasks. Three main training modules comprise the course. The first will be devoted to human rights standards and mechanisms. The second one will deal with human rights monitoring in the broad sense, both at the general and specific level and will also include a reporting component. The third module will be devoted to capacity-building in general.
Main Subject Modules:
Module 1 – Introduction to Core Concepts and Background
Subject 1: International Human Rights Law
Subject 2: Other branches of International Law developed for the protection of individual and collective rights
Subject 3: Policies, mechanisms and tools for the protection of HR in the field
Module 2 – Human Rights Monitoring, Fact-finding and Reporting
Subject 1: Monitoring
Subject 2: Fact-finding
Subject 3: Reporting
Module 3 – Capacity building in HR field operations
Subject 1: Human rights education
Subject 2: Human rights promotion
Subject 3: Capacity-building aimed at national human rights institutions
Subject 4: Technical assistance
Target audience: This training is designed for individuals already possessing some field experience and/or having worked on human rights issues in the respective countries of origin. Ideally, the trained professionals should be ready for deployment as Human Rights experts, yet it is important to stress the need for mission- and country-specific training, to be carried out before and during the field mission.
Duration: 4 – 8 days
Overall Objectives: The overall objective of this course emphasises the qualities of great leaders, which requires both systematic and critical self-reflection. Ideally, course participants dedicated to becoming better leaders will adopt this idea and continue the practice of self-reflection as an effective means of enhancing one’s professional development. As the course introduces leadership theories and skills, self-reflection will be practiced throughout to relate that knowledge to one’s own leadership performance. Thus, this course aims at giving the participants the necessary knowledge and skills to affect the gender landscape positively – internally or externally in relation to the mission activities – by including a gender perspective in their leadership.
Main Subject Modules:
The course is not structured on established modules, but rather on the central subject areas and main questions that participants will address:
- How does gender equality contribute to stability?
- What am I expected to do gender wise, in my role as a leader?
- How can I – in my role as a leader within a peace operation – promote gender equality both in the host society that I serve and within the mission itself?
- How does leadership in a peace mission differ from leadership at home?
- Since when, why and how is gender awareness relevant in peace operations?
- What are the expectations gender wise of a leader in peace operations?
- What is the basic idea and benefit of transformational leadership?
- How can I set goals that are challenging, yet attainable and in line with the mandate?
- How can I help my team develop into a high performing team?
- How can I give my colleagues feedback and motivate them further?
- When do I need and how do I do a simple gender analysis?
- What does gender mainstreaming mean in plain language?
- How do I mainstream gender in the activities I am responsible for?
- How do deal with the stress caused by my role as a leader of others?
Target audience: This training is designed for deployed or soon to be deployed mission members who have or aim to have leadership positions.
Duration: 5 days
Overall Objectives: The overall objective of the specialisation course on Media Development aims at imparting and strengthening principles and values of freedom of expression and the support for independent and participatory media in conflict regions. Future civilian experts in this field will be provided with knowledge and tools in order to assist media regulation as well as independent and participatory media, raise awareness on freedom of speech and freedom of the media as fundamental human rights, and to support their implementation, strengthen domestic and international networks for journalists and support media training.
Main Subject Modules:
Module 1 – The Role of the Media with Regard to Crisis Management
Subject 1: The Impact of Mass Media on Conflicts
Subject 2: Media Analysis
Module 2 – The Contribution of Journalists to Conflict Transformation
Subject 1: Rights of Journalists and Code of Conduct
Subject 2: Ethical Reporting on Conflicts
Module 3 – Media Monitoring
Module 4 – Assistance for Media Development
Subject 1: Assisting Media Regulation
Subject 2: Raising Awareness on Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Media
Subject 3: Strengthening Independent Media
Subject 4: Supporting Participatory Media Including the Use of Internet
Subject 5: Strengthening Domestic and International Networks for Journalists
Subject 6: Supporting Media Training
Target audience: This training is designed for participants with academic background either in communications or law and should have working experience in relevant fields in their home countries (journalists, editors, managers of press and radio-television enterprises, employers of broadcasting co-operations etc.).
Duration: 7 days
Overall Objectives: The overall objective of the Mission Administration and Support Course is to provide its participants with in-depth knowledge and skills needed to plan, set up and run small and larger-scale field missions. The course shall also contribute to the creation of a similar management culture among future mission members who have different professional, organisational and cultural backgrounds, and a sense of common identity and purpose for EU mission support.
Main Subject Modules:
Module 1 – Introduction to Peace Operations
Subject 1: Development of International Crisis Management – An Overview
Subject 2: Civilian Crisis Management of the EU
Subject 3: Partners on the Ground
Module 2 – Setting up a Field Mission
Subject 1: Planning a Field Mission
Subject 2: Fact-finding missions and Advance Teams
Subject 3: The Deployment Phase
Module 3 – Fieldwork Techniques
Subject 1: Human Resources – Recruitment and Staffing of Missions
Subject 2: Human Resources – Management of International and National Staff
Subject 3: Staff Training
Subject 4: Financial Management and Budgeting
Subject 5: Management Functions and Leadership Skills
Subject 6: Press and Public Information
Module 4 – Mission Support
Subject 1: Logistics and Procurement
Subject 2: Fleet Management and Vehicle Maintenance
Subject 3: Communications and Information Technology
Subject 4: Building Management
Subject 5: Security
Subject 6: Physical and Psychological Health Care
Target audience: Considering the different categories of staff involved in mission administration and support, the course will address not only technical and administrative experts but also middle management staff. The target group will comprise of HQ and mission staff as well as experts in the process of deployment to civilian crisis management operations.
Duration: 5 days
Overall Objectives: The overall objective of the course on Negotiation and Mediation Skills in International Crisis Management Missions is to enable participants to understand key elements of effective negotiation and mediation processes, choose the right tools and techniques that are applicable, available and suitable to the situation as well as test their own strengths and weaknesses in applying the previously listed competencies as well as identify the negotiation competencies of others.
Main Subject Modules:
Module 1 – Experiences in Negotiation and Mediation from International Crisis Management
Subject 1: Introduction to Negotiations
Module 2 – Concepts and Practice of Negotiations and Accompanying Skills and Competence
Subject 1: Distributive Negotiation
Subject 2: Integrative Negotiations
Module 3 – Concepts and Practice of Mediation and Accompanying Skills and Competences
Subject 1: Framework for Effective Mediation in International Crisis Management
Subject 2: Mediation in Local Conflict
Subject 3: International and Regional Capacities for Mediation
Module 4 – Advising on Negotiation and Mediation Activities
Subject 1: Role of Mission’s Senior Leadership
Subject 2: Exposure Sessions to Practitioners and Experts
Subject 3: Plenary Wrap-Up
Subject 4: Final Remarks and Evaluation
Target audience: This training is designed for civilian, police and military experts who work for international organizations in a crisis management environment. Although negotiation and mediation skills are not function-specific skills and can be applied in all complex political and conflict environments, this training is tailored to negotiation and mediation needs for positions and functions related to the core activities of crisis management missions. These include mission leadership, political advisers, liaison officers, planners, mentors, advisers.
Duration: 4 days
Overall Objectives: The overall objective of the course on Press & Public Information is to equip the participating experts with knowledge to fulfil their tasks in the field of press and public information. The aim is the implementation of successful communication strategies with local as well as international media in order to guarantee clear information dissemination concerning the EU involvement, measures and actions taken, so that transparency is guaranteed. The training will aid participants in confidently approaching their respective job as e.g. spokesperson, press officer etc. in dealing with the very practical challenges they will face when fulfilling their tasks. Finally, successfully reaching and influencing populations in conflict-prone conditions and for playing a crucial role in the promotion of dialogue in divided societies will be a key element of the training.
Main Subject Modules:
Module 1 – The Role of the Media with Regard to Crisis Management
Subject 1: The Impact of Mass Media on Conflicts
Subject 2: Media Analysis
Module 2 – Information Dissemination and Public Relation
Subject 1: Information Dissemination in Field Operation
Subject 2: Public Relations
Module 3 – Practical Challenges
Subject 1: Actors and Means of Media Work in a Mission
Subject 2: Practical Tools
Module 4 – Simulation
Subject 1: Practical Exercises (simulations) of Media Work in Missions
Target audience: This training is designed for participants with professional working experience in relevant fields in their home countries and/or missions (journalists, PR specialists, editors, managers of press and radio-television enterprises, employers of broadcasting co-operations etc.).
Duration: 7 days
Overall Objectives: The overall objective of the Rule of Law course is to provide the participants a general theoretic framework and practical tools that will allow them to contribute to the establishment of Rule of Law and thereby to the establishment of good governance in the field. The course aims at enhancing the competences of participants heading towards duties with specific knowledge of the different mechanisms involved in a rule of law mission in the framework of an international and crisis-stricken environment.
This course will also contribute to the development of a common and shared culture among future mission members who have different cultural, professional and organizational backgrounds. Indeed, the numerous opportunities to exchange experiences and best practices during the course will support the development of a common identity and purpose for mission support.
Main Subject Modules:
Module 1 – Introduction to Rule of Law
Subject 1: Conceptual Framework, Meaning of Terms and Concepts
Subject 2: Current Norms and Standards
Module 2 – Actors and Mandates Involved in the Field of the Rule of Law
Subject 1: Rule of Law Reform on the Ground and Reality Checks
Subject 2: Rule of Law Reform on the Ground and Reality Checks II
Module 3 – Transitional Justice
Subject 1: Introduction to Transitional Justice
Subject 2: International and Local Criminal Justice
Subject 3: Capacity Development for Prosecution of International Crimes at National Level and the Rule of Law Reform
Module 4 – Operational responses
Subject 1: Ethic Principles and Risk Assessments
Subject 2: Monitoring and Advising on Rule of Law
Subject 3: Reporting
Subject 4: Anti-corruption in the context of Rule of Law
Module 5 – Rule of Law enforcement by Sectors
Subject 1: Security Sector Reform
Target audience: This training is designed for a heterogeneous group of civilian (incl. police) experts with professional experience required for deployments to international civilian crisis management type missions, with a particular focus on experts selected or pre-selected for deployment, or field mission personnel working the sector of Rule of Law and Rule of Law related matters.
Duration: 5 days
Overall Objectives: The aim of the course is to provide participants with knowledge about concepts and themes of Security Sector Reform (SSR) and hands-on practical skills to apply in Security Sector Reform programmes for civilian crisis management.
Main Subject Modules:
Module 1 – Security Sector Reform Principles and Concepts
Module 2 – Implementing Security Sector Reform – Cross Cutting Themes: Gender and Governance
Module 3 – Dealing with Security Sector Reform’s Multidisciplinary Character
Module 4 – The EU’s Security Sector Reform Tools
Module 5 – Learning from Experience: Problems and Chances of Security Sector Reform Implementation
Module 6 – Skills and Competences in SSR Programmes: UN Supports Peacebuilding and SSR in Karina
Module 7 – Scenario’s for the International Community
Target audience: This training is designed for personnel in crisis management missions and peace operations interested in security sector reform and particularly for management staff involved in planning and implementing reform policies.
Duration: 4 days
Overall Objectives: The overall objective of the Training of Trainers (ToT) course is to strengthen training skills of members of international crisis management missions and peace operations to either support them in designing and delivering the ToT courses or to equip the subject matter experts with skills, knowledge and attitudes to be more effective trainers.
Main Subject Modules:
Module 1 – Being a Trainer
Subject 1: Experiences of Good and Bad Training
Subject 2: The Teaching Cycle
Subject 3: Difference between Pedagogy and Andragogy, Trainer-Centred and Learner-Centred Approach to Training
Module 2 – Teaching and Learning Theories
Subject 1: Principles of Adult Learning
Subject 2: Experiential Learning
Subject 3: Social Learning
Subject 4: Remembering and Forgetting
Subject 5: Learning Styles
Module 3 – Techniques to Use in a Training Session
Subject 1: Identification of Training Needs and Inclusivity of Training Programmes
Subject 2: Good Practices in Lectures and Presentations
Subject 3: Icebreakers and Energizers and When to Use Them
Subject 4: Different Techniques to be Used in a Training Session
Module 4 – Managing the training environment and effective communication
Subject 1: Good Training Environment
Subject 2: Good Practice in Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
Subject 3: Effective and Less Effective Language to Use in the Training Room
Subject 4: Strategies for Dealing with Difficult Participants/Spoilers
Subject 5: Strategies to Deal with Difficult / Sensitive Topics
Module 5 – Planning, Preparation of a Training Session
Subject 1: Aims, Objectives and Learning Outcomes
Subject 2: Bloom’s Taxonomy
Subject 3: Development of a Lesson Plan and a Scheme of Work
Module 6 – Delivery of a Training Session
Subject 1: Presenting a Topic with Different Training Techniques
Subject 2: Using Several Training Techniques in a Training Session
Subject 3: Constructing a Debate and Asking Questions
Subject 4: Providing Feedback
Module 7 – Assessing Learning and Evaluating a Training Event
Subject 1: Presenting the Assessment Cycle
Subject 2: Using Different Types and Method of Assessment
Subject 3: Knowing Different Feedback Techniques
Subject 4: Kirkpatrick’s Levels of Evaluation
Subject 5: Evaluation Techniques for Different Stages According to Kirkpatrick
Target audience: This training is designed for training personnel in crisis management missions and peace operations (OSCE, EU, UN, AU and other) and professionals involved in designing, planning and organising training programmes for experts working or planning to work in crisis management missions and peace operations. The course is relevant for first-time trainers and those with more experience. Both groups are given the chance to practice, acquire and develop new competencies and/or build upon existing knowledge, skills and experience.
Duration: 4 days
Overall Objectives: The overall objective of this course is to provide the civilian staff working in a field operation with a clear picture of what their duties are and which rights they can exercise vis-à-vis both the hosting State in which they are requested to perform their activities and their sending Organization. The Course aims at providing the relevant info to the staff which will reinforce its capacities to deliver the tasks assigned and increase its safety and security.
Main Subject Modules:
Module 1 – The Sources Regulating the Status of Civilian Staff
Subject 1: Treaty Law (SOMA, SOFA; General conventions)
Subject 2: Customary International Law
Subject 3: National Legislation of the State Hosting the International Mission
Module 2 – The Content of the Rules Regulating the Status of the Civilian Staff
Subject 1: Duties of the Civilian Staff
Subject 2: Rights of the Civilian Staff
Subject 3: Privileges
Subject 4: The safety and Security of the Staff: Who is Responsible for Protecting the Staff?
Module 3 – What to do if the rights of staff are not respected by the hosting State: measures which can be undertaken should the local state violate its obligations towards the international staff working in a field mission
Subject 1: What can/should the sending Organization do in such circumstances? Legal, political and other measures
Subject 2: What is the potential role of the local Embassy of the country of which the staff is citizen?
Module 4 –Duty of Care of the Sending Organization vis-à-vis its Staff Deployed in the Field
Subject 1: Notion of the Duty of Care and its Legal Roots
Subject 2: which measures have to be adopted by the sending organization in fulfilment of its Duty of Care?
Target audience: This training is designed for any civilian working in an international field operation run by International Organizations.
Duration: 2 – 4 hours
Overall Objectives: The overall objective of this course is to enhance knowledge, skills and awareness of civilians and civilian police employed within peace support and crisis stabilisation missions. This includes understanding gendered peace and security needs, contributing to gender equality by and within missions, as well as collaborating with local partners and civilians towards strengthening gender equality, peace and security.
Main Subject Modules:
Module 1 – From Women, Peace and Security to Gender Peace and Security
Subject 1: Key Concepts and Developments in the Field
Subject 2: 20 Years of UNSCR 1325
Subject 3: Diversifying our Approaches Towards Women, Peace and Security
Module 2 – Gender Analysis of Peace- and Security Needs
Subject 1: Understanding gender-related Peace and Security Needs
Subject 2: Conflict-Sensitive Gender Analysis
Subject 3: Conflict-related SGBV
Module 3 – Gender-Sensitive Approaches within Mission Environments
Subject 1: Navigating Gender-sensitive Approaches in Polarised Contexts
Subject 2: Gender-sensitive Approaches for Peace and Security
Subject 3: Gender-sensitive Approaches Within Peace- and Security-providers
Module 4 – Working with Partners and Civilians in the Field
Subject 1: Meaningful and Inclusive Participation in Peace- and Security Processes
Subject 2: Cultivating Cross-cultural Partnerships
Subject 3: Engaging in Strategic Partnerships
Target audience: This training is predominantly designed for mid-level civilian police and civilian experts looking at deployment or being currently deployed within peace support operations, crisis, and stabilisation missions. Participants are expected to have a basic understanding and commitment towards gender, peace and security.
Duration: 1 month-online course with self-paced elements and one interactive session/week (approximately 7 hours of work/week)
Overall Objectives: This Master Class acquaints participants with the underlying philosophical approaches, theoretical concepts and practical tools for facilitating conflict transformation in complex constellations. Participants will develop skills, and practice a facilitator’s attitude to apply their knowledge in different settings (e.g. as inside mediators, third parties, working with potential veto groups) and at different societal levels.
Main Subject Modules:
Module 1 – Introduction to Conflict Transformation
Subject 1: Introduction to Conflict Transformation Theory
Subject 2: Introduction to Key Concepts of Conflict Transformation
Subject 3: Conflict Handling Styles
Subject 4: Storytelling
Module 2 – Philosophy of Conflict Transformation
Subject 1: Philosophy of Conflict Transformation
Subject 2: Basic Human Needs
Subject 3: Walking in the Shoes of the Other
Module 3 – Theories of Conflict Transformation
Subject 1: Structure, Culture, Agency
Subject 2: Structural Dimensions of Conflict Transformation
Subject 3: The Dimension of Agency
Module 4 – Praxeology of Conflict Transformation
Subject 1: Designing our Practice
Subject 2: Demo Dialogue – Analysis
Module 5 – Conflict Transformation Tools
Subject 1: Dialogue Interventions
Subject 2: Facilitating Dialogue
Module 6 – Conflict Transformation – Practice
Module 7 – Conflict Transformation – Reflection
Subject 1: Dialogue Facilitation Practice – Reflection
Module 8 – Establishing a Community of Practice
Target audience: This training is designed for professionals working in fragile environments.
Duration: 10 Days
Overall Objectives: The aim of the course is to enable participants to become more effective in crisis communication and crisis management. The trainers will draw from both practice and theory (Situational Crisis Communication and political psychology) to provide the participants with key concepts and insights to communicate clearly and effectively, while maintaining credibility and narrative control during different crises.
Participants will also learn how to organize themselves into crisis management teams and they will be introduced to the key elements that make up a variety of crises. They will familiarize themselves with the so-called OODA loop, the Fog of Crisis, different systems for Crisis Management, and different response and communication strategies for use during crises.
The participants will also be put under stress in a variety of different crisis simulations to put theory into practice. They will work in small teams to manage a relatively small crisis at a crisis management mission and a larger crisis involving a presumed escalation in their area of responsibility (involving different internal actors). Participants will have to partake in crisis meetings, brief their counterparts and produce press statements all under stringent (time) pressure and stress. After each simulation participants will reflect on their own behaviour, communication style and specific role played in the different crisis teams.
Main Subject Modules:
Module 1 – Introduction Crisis Management
Subject 1: Be able to define the key elements that define a crisis;
Subject 2: Understand the crisis curve and different stages within a crisis;
Subject 3: Be able to explain the different steps of the crisis management cycle;
Module 2 – Decision-making in Crisis
Subject 1: Know the different levels and responsibilities in crisis management;
Subject 2: Understand and experience the roles in Crisis Management Team;
Subject 3: Know how to apply the OODA loop for decision-making during a crisis;
Module 3 – Crisis Communication
Subject 1: Understand and apply elements from Situational Crisis Communication theory, blame and reputation management and political psychology during a crisis;
Subject 2: Effective communication with internal and external stakeholders during a crisis;
Subject 3: Tools for crisis communication (press-and holding statements and social media)
Subject 4: Know how to respond to the media and different types of questions made by journalists;
Subject 5: Have practiced their communication and teamwork skills under pressure.
Target audience: This training is designed for civilian, police and military experts who work for international organizations in a crisis management environment. Specifically, the course is designed for mid- and higher-level officials who are tasked with crisis response and communication duties.
Duration: 3 days
Overall objectives: Through the scenario building training the target audience becomes acquainted with strategic and operational foresight techniques in order to map uncertainty and plan ahead in crisis management missions.
Scenarios can lead towards accurate early warning and early action-mechanisms. Which factors can lead to violence in a region? Or can we identify triggers that might lead to food insecurity in an early stage?
Scenarios are carefully crafted stories about the future embodying a wide variety of knowledge and ideas, integrating them in a way that is communicable and useful. These scenarios are designed in such a way that they address the blind spots of a decision-maker; assumptions are challenged, the vision of analysts and decision-makers is widened.
Main Subject Modules:
Module 1 – Introduction to scenario building
Subject 1: Become familiar with three different scenario-building techniques.
Subject 2: Gain practical knowledge and insight in processes and methods of scenario building.
Subject 3: Become acquainted with cognitive biases and heuristics, apply critical thinking.
Module 2 – Scanning the Environment, Mapping Uncertainty
Subject 1: Become acquainted with, and manage to apply, an operational environment scan.
Subject 2: Identify and select key uncertainties and driving factors.
Module 3 – Design Scenarios
Subject 1: Craft and design different scenario stories
Subject 2: Critically assess scenarios, check for cognitive biases and red teaming
Subject 3: Identify indicators for scenarios, translation towards early warning mechanisms
Subject 4: Action planning; design early action implications.
Target audience: This training is designed for civilian, police and military experts who work for international organizations in a crisis management environment. Specifically, the course is designed for operational and intelligence officials who are tasked with the operational effectiveness and situational understanding of the mission.
Duration: 4 days
Overall objectives: Operating in culturally diverse contexts can be a challenge for anyone of us, especially when working in conflict affected areas. Whilst being deployed to a foreign nation you will be confronted with differences in beliefs, values, norms and behaviour. These differences require a culturally sensitive approach, that enables you to constructively carry out professional tasks.
With this training on intercultural communication, we provide you with practical solutions and guidance to become more effective in diverse cultural contexts, to the benefit of a successful deployment. You will learn about common pitfalls that lead to misunderstanding and cause tension, practice your own skills, and learn about cultural differences in values, norms and behaviour.
The design of the program is a mix between interactive discussion sessions, video-analysis, case studies and simulations. In two days, we will offer you grounded theory on the topic, provide you with the opportunity to put your knowledge to practice and enable you to critically reflect on previous experiences.
Main Subject Modules:
Module 1 – Intercultural Understanding
Subject 1: Understand how culture influences communicative processes;
Subject 2: Increase awareness of their own cultural perspective and bias;
Subject 3: Learn to recognise and avoid intercultural pitfalls;
Module 2 – Operationalizing Intercultural Understanding
Subject 1: Be able to differentiate between national culture, professional culture and organisational culture;
Subject 2: Increase conceptual and regionally specific understanding of cultural communicative preferences;
Subject 3: Acquire competences that allow for effective communication across cultural barriers.
Target audience: This training is designed for civilian, police and military experts who work for international organizations in a crisis management environment. Specifically, the course is designed for professionals working in an intercultural environment (e.g. international staff and/or with different operational branches) who need tools and techniques in order to boost their personal effectiveness.
Duration: 2 days
Overall objectives: The objective of the course is to increase the participants’ knowledge of mediation, negotiation and dialogue processes and how they relate to civilian crisis management missions, and increase their competence in applying mediation skills (conflict analysis, process design and facilitation skills). Upon completion of the course the participants will be able to: apply conflict analysis tools and recognise conflict resolution entry-points; explain third-party roles in conflict resolution; describe relevant UN, EU and OSCE mediation principles and approaches; describe factors relevant in mediation process design; discuss mediation of security arrangements; explain gender-sensitive mediation and discuss women’s inclusion in peace processes; and apply facilitation techniques.
Main subject modules:
Module 1 – Introduction
Subject 1: Introduction to Mediation, Negotiation and Dialogue
Subject 2: Mediation in Civilian Crisis Management Missions
Module 2 – Conflict analysis
Module 3 – Process Design
Subject 1: Mediation Process Design
Subject 2: Mediating Security Arrangements
Subject 3: Gender-responsive Mediation and WPS
Module 4 – Facilitation Skills
Target audience: This training is designed for mid-level and senior civilian experts who are in pre-deployment or are assigned to a mission, holding advisory, analysis and policy implementation positions as well as programme staff. The course is aimed to be an introduction to peace mediation and its use in civilian crisis management, rather than a peace mediation expert course. Thus, the participants do not need to have previous experience in peace mediation, but a keen interest is expected.
Duration: 5 days
Overall objectives: Organized crime is a complex issue that requires variety of approaches during and throughout the security sector reform process. The course aims to accommodate for the various roles international organizations have in countries of operations – ranging from executive to training, advising and monitoring. Training provides an overview of good practices in assisting authorities in host country to identify and implement efficient strategic and tactical tools to disrupt organized crime groups and activities.
Main subject modules:
Module 1 – Introduction
Module 2 – Strategic Advice
Subject 1: Strategy Development
Subject 2: Delineation and the Institutional setup
Subject 3: Legal framework
Module 3 – Operational Aspects
Subject 1: Specialised Structures
Subject 2: Internal Regulations
Subject 3: Inter-agency Cooperation and Coordination
Subject 4: International Dimension
Target audience: This training is designed for civilian experts in advisory roles on strategic and operational level with host country chain of rule of law actors (i.e. police, prosecutors, judges, fiscal and/or penitentiary system).
Duration: 3-4 days
Overall objectives: The objective of the course is to increase the participants’ facts-based knowledge of the main religions or world views in the areas of international operations (focus on current operations areas that require HEAT training before deployment of experts). The course enhances participants’ skills to reflect their own attitudes and possible biases and to communicate their mandate more effectively as civilian experts.
Main subject modules:
Module 1- Introduction
Subject 1: Human Rights in the Light of Different Religions and World Views
Subject 2: Gender Considerations in the Light of Different Religions and World Views
Subject 3: International Legal Framework and Religion and World Views
Module 2 – Concepts
Subject 1: Primary Symbols of Religions and Worldviews
Subject 2: Structures
Subject 3: Values
Module 3 – Communication Skills
Subject 1: Knowledge-based Communication
Subject 2: Active listening
Target audience: This training is designed for civilian crises management experts on all levels who are in pre-deployment or are assigned to a mission, holding advisory, mentoring and/or training positions and are expected to interact in effective, safe and culturally aware manner with host state counterparts from various backgrounds. The course is an introduction to main religions in current (CSDP) operation areas. Thus, the participants do not need to have previous experience nor knowledge of religions or worldviews other than their own, but a keen interest is expected.
Upon completion of the course the participants will be able to: explain and describe his/her own world views; apply the fact knowledge of main principles and approaches of religions or worldviews in his/her work; discuss the relations, similarities and contradictions of international legal frame work and national legal systems; discuss roles of different genders in society; apply neutral communication techniques (even when discussing topics that are seen as sensitive due to faith base differences); recognize commonalities in reasonings, values and manifestations in different cultures..
Duration: 2 – 3 days
Overall objectives: Ensuring team resilience, a productive working environment and ultimately the successful implementation of the mandate. Core skills include intercultural communication, conflict management, self-reflection, leadership as well as team building and trust building. The course offers participants the opportunity to test, reflect upon and further develop their knowledge and skills in leadership, teamwork and conflict management.
Main subject topics:
Subject 1: Role of culture and cultural diversity in peace operations;
Subject 2: Effective and sensitive communication in culturally diverse settings, including between military, civilian and police mission staff;
Subject 3: Tools for team and trust building in mission contexts;
Subject 4: Interpersonal conflicts and techniques to manage them;
Subject 5: Leadership concepts and styles, commonalties and differences for military, civilians and police;
Subject 6: Leadership tools for empowering and motivating a team.
All these topics are adapted to the context of international peace operations or similar deployments.
Target Audience: This training is designed for civilian, police and military experts who have worked or who will be working in peace operations of the UN, EU, OSCE or other organisations.
Duration: 3-5 days (flexible)
Overall Objectives: The overall objective of the Cultural Heritage Protection Basic Training is to provide participants with a basic understanding of cultural heritage in crisis-prone areas. Cultural heritage is the legacy of cultural resources that is inherited from past generations and its protection in crisis-prone areas includes preventing it being destructed, looted, or illicitly trafficked. Cultural heritage is protected by international law and failing to protect it can also present an obstacle to the long-term success of peace operations as it often constitutes an important part of identity of conflicting communities. All personnel employed in operations and missions should hence have a basic understanding of cultural heritage protection and general information on how we achieve it.
Main Subject Modules:
Module 1: Cultural Heritage Protection Introduction
Subject 1: theoretical dimensions of cultural heritage protection
Subject: 2: International legal framework of cultural heritage protection
Subject 3: EU approach to CHP in conflicts and crises
Subject 4: Roles of relevant international cultural heritage protection actors
Module 2: Cultural Heritage Protection Methods and Tools
Subject 1: cultural heritage sites in conflicts and crises
Subject 2: Cultural Heritage under our own control
Subject 3: Crimes against cultural heritage
Module 3: Cultural Heritage in the host country (OPTIONAL)
Subject 1: The host country and its cultural heritage
Subject 2: The existing mechanisms and legal framework of CHP in the host country
Target audience: This training is targeting civilian, police and military experts who work for international organizations in a crisis management environment. It is designed for deployed or soon-to-be deployed individuals that do not have prior knowledge of cultural heritage protection and need to gain basic awareness of the topic.
Duration: 3-4 days
Subject 1: The Importance of Digital Communications in Civilian Crisis Management
Subject: 2: Traditional Media Tools vs. Digital Media Tools
Subject 3: Digital Campaign Development
Subject 4: How are we performing? Social Media Analytics
Subject 5: Digital Rhetoric
Subject 6: The Importance of Visuals in Digital Communications
Subject 7: Crisis Communication
Subject 8: Internet Safety and Security
Module 2: Applications of Digital Communications (in-person)Subject 1: The Importance of Visuals and How to Build Infographics
Subject 2: Storytelling Through Photo: Smartphone Photography
Subject 3: Storytelling Through Video: Smartphone Videography
Subject 4: Mastering Your Rhetorical Skills
Subject 5: Message Development and Storytelling
Subject 6: Influencer Marketing
Subject 7: Wits and Manners Online
Subject 8: How to Use Open Source Tools to Verify Information
Subject 9: Simulation Exercise
Target audience: The target group of the training are communication experts and other relevant stakeholders that are a part of communication activities, working in peace operations and missions (EU, UN, OSCE, AU). While age is not relevant for this course, it is desirable for experts to have knowledge and experiences in the field of communication. Duration: 3-4 days