On 19 October, the second course on Advising in Civilian Crisis Management in 2023 concluded in a virtual environment. The 4-day need-based course developed and conducted by Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (SSSA) saw 10 participants from the EU Border Assistance Mission in Libya (EUBAM Libya) and the UN Development Programme in Libya (UNDP Libya).
EUBAM Libya’s mandate states that the mission is contributing to “enhancing the capacity of the relevant Libyan authorities and agencies to manage Libya’s borders, fight cross-border crime, including human trafficking and migrant smuggling, and counter-terrorism”. Within it, it provides advice, expertise, and case-by-case project management knowledge, specifically focused on human rights and gender mainstreaming.
As in any other profession, constant learning is essential also for the mission staff, especially advisers. Trainers with extensive knowledge of advising concepts in the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) context focused especially on ways of building trust between international advisers and their local counterparts. Furthermore, they devoted a significant amount of time to efficient communication practices.
Through various individual and group assignments, daily recap sessions and sessions, the participants also explored other concepts of advising in civilian crisis management and delved into the principles and processes of capacity building through advising.
We believe the successful completion of this training will enable the participants to use the gained knowledge to integrate advising into the mission structure.
More on Advising in Civilian Crisis Management HERE.