Pilot Training on Human Rights Mainstreaming was implemented between 27 and 29 March 2023 in Pisa, Italy. The training was an example of the so-called cross-fertilisation approach – 10 participants, Human Rights Advisors from multiple EU CSDP missions, shared their experience and knowledge, consequently creating a community of shared interest.
This Training of Trainers using a Human Rights-based Approach was developed by Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (SSSA) and in close cooperation with the European Commission, Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability (CPCC) human rights experts. Therefore, the training was highly tailored to the advanced needs of experienced human rights advisors.
The majority of the participants have been working on human rights issues for more than five or even more than 10 years and have around five years of mission life experience. Hence, the training focused on practical approaches and exercises on how to incorporate human rights in all phases of CSDP missions – from planning to implementation to reporting and review.
Human rights advisors and experts attending the training came from EUAM RCA, EUMM Georgia, EUCAP Sahel Mali, EUAM Ukraine, EUPOL COPPS/Palestinian Territories, EUCAP Somalia, EULEX Kosovo, EUAM Iraq, CPCC and EEAS.
They pointed out that the training successfully equipped them with the methodology, useful for their daily tasks and expanded their horizons regarding promoting and presenting the topic to their peers. The positive and open learning atmosphere in the classroom allowed them to discuss relevant issues in-depth and discover new methodological tools and presenting styles they will be able to use back in their respective missions.
To learn more about the training background and fundamental documents supporting it, click HERE.