2 – 3 November 2022 8 November 2022 7 – 9 November 2022 | Hybrid | Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna | EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX Kosovo) |
Course Summary
Almost 30 participants, personnel of EULEX Kosovo and other international organizations present in the country, attended the hybrid courses Training of Trainers and its derivative, Presenters’ Workshop, implemented by Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna. Both groups together participated in the online theoretical part of the training and were then divided for the residential practical part. Presenters’ Workshop was organized as a one-day training while ToT span over the course of three days, giving both groups enough time to practice presentation skills and learn about various tools to encourage both trainers’ and trainees’ creativity.
Course Agenda & Course Concept
Find the Course Agenda for Training of Trainers HERE.
Find the Course Agenda for Presenters’ Workshop HERE.
Read the Course Concept HERE.
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